Volunteer and working abroad in Kenya. We take on any kind of volunteer traveler who expresses genuine interest in either conservation or community work. Whether young or old, you can participate in any program of your interest. During the program you will be getting up early, experience multiple facets of a new and fascinating way of life, learn Kiswahili (or a local tribal language) and develop a close working relationship with your hosts.

You have a better chance of landing such a special opportunity if you have been to Africa or have visited the lodge or camp you are interested in. A volunteer traveler can also go the institutional route starting out by investigating opportunities at the Kenya Voluntary and Community Development Project https://www.kvcdp.org a good grassroots Kenya volunteer organization that places international volunteers in anything from planting trees, building schools, teaching in local schools, volunteer in orphanages and promoting AIDS awareness to constructing roads, making bricks, and providing reproductive health education.